作者: bboyating15 (Ating) 看板: LoL
標題: [外絮] Erica
時間: Sat Dec 15 09:58:06 2012

Becoming an Assassin

Tseng held a desire to work in gaming for a long time, but upon realizing
that she was unlikely to break into the industry through Canada, she looked
back to her native country.

“When I moved back [to Taiwan], League of Legends was just opening up -
Garena was the game publisher that was hoping to open League of Legends
there. I joined in as a community coordinator. My timeline was like this:
June, I graduated, July, I moved, August, I applied and September, I went in.

“In between that, I did other internships – financial firms – and I didn’
t like it. I knew I wanted to go into gaming. I went into the community
coordinator job.”

It was that same September that the team that would eventually be known as
the Taipei Assassins formed under the banner of For The Win. For The Win
would win Garena’s G1 eSports competition in October 2011, and would
eventually be re-christened the Taipei Assassins in March 2012. Team members
Bebeisadog and Toyz would join soon after, completing the roster we know

“My boss negotiated with me – he was discussing how I was a good fit for
the team. Obviously I was bilingual, and also I knew about eSports and had an
interest in eSports,” Tseng told me. ”I actually knew the Fnatic manager at
that time and he thought it would be awesome if I took that job and lead the

“[My boss] didn’t really give me any directions though. I was with the team
unofficially, actually, because I kind of knew them. All the way until April
2012 when we signed them as the Taipei Assassins.”

As TPA’s manager, Tseng was in charge of many parts of the team’s
day-to-day operation. This included their social media efforts and
interviews, where her bilingualism became an advantage. By offering updates
in multiple languages, TPA was able to gain fans in multiple markets, not
just those in Asia.

“When I started, I didn’t know how hard it was to actually manage a sports
team, to lead them somewhere. I just assumed that people would just schedule
their [players'] daily needs and get them water; I didn’t think about the
aspect of marketing and branding.”

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◆ From:
gn01172011 :我當第一個祭品 召喚翻譯姬 12/15 10:01
setom :Erica有說為什麼離開TPA嗎? 12/15 10:02
moose01 :erica我老婆 12/15 10:02
gox1117 :我老婆 12/15 10:06
rhox :又是大篇英文,簡單 求翻譯? 12/15 10:09
feyster :她沒說為什麼離開TPA,就只有講她到TPA的經歷,還有 12/15 10:11
feyster :她對這份工作的態度 12/15 10:11
feyster :阿 我沒看原文 原文有提到 12/15 10:14
melamela :gox1117:erica我老婆史丹利的經理 12/15 10:16
h45279802 :我老婆 12/15 10:18
silveriii :看完了 太長了不想翻XDD 12/15 10:31
rhox :看完了! google translate是你得好伙伴 12/15 10:32
TarTo :我翻第一段 大致上就是為了我與TarTo的愛情 不得不 12/15 10:55
TarTo :放棄這個職位 即使他很鼓勵我去從事自己喜愛的工作 12/15 10:55
TarTo : 但我覺得長廂廝守的愛情更適合我 如果工作身邊沒有 12/15 10:55
TarTo :他 我想我也作的不會開心 大概就是這樣吧(誤 12/15 10:55
c871111116 :樓上可以根據板規直接掰嗎(誤XD 12/15 11:03
c871111116 :B3【刻意散佈錯誤資訊者的推噓文或文章】 12/15 11:04
longlyeagle :可是樓上... 推"我老婆"的人超級多耶... 12/15 11:08
bw80409 :原來erica對台灣的氣候不適應,起了過敏的症狀 12/15 11:26
bw80409 :原來她在S2總決賽的時候一直抱病帶著TPA阿... 12/15 11:27
vvanch :wtf 不要腦補翻譯呀 12/15 11:34
b1uecat :早上HSGG也在看這篇文章 還ㄏㄏ的笑 12/15 11:59
h45279802 :HSGG隨時都在ㄏㄏ笑阿 不知道為啥他一直都很爽... 12/15 14:22


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